Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28

Phillipians 1:4
Always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all.

Paul and Timothy let others know that they were praying for them. How often do we let others know that we are praying for them, and do we really pray for them? Do we do like Paul, are we praying with joy about these people or are we doing it because we feel like we have to? Coming before God should be a time when we get excited. Prayer should not be a time of just a "ritual" in which we pray "O God, I pray you would be with Jill, Sue, Sharon and Tina..." Take these people to the throne of God! Lift them up, tell God what they mean to you and ask God to bless them, wrap His loving arms around them so that they can feel His presence today. Pray that if there is a need in their lives, that God would meet it and that He can be glorified in their lives.

We should not wait for a need to be in someone's life for us to pray for them. Make a list of your family, friends and those who you see and don't have a relationship with; maybe school teachers, co-workers, a regular face in a store. Take a few each day and lift them up in prayer. Get excited about meeting up with God and spending time with Him on behalf of others. You will walk away with Joy!

February 27

Philippians 1:20 NAS
according to my earnest expectation and hope, that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

Today I went to the funeral service of Sgt. Jeremiah Thomas Whitten, who was killed on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010 by a suicide bomber. Two other men lost their lives as well. Jeremiah was a believer so there was peace today knowing that for those of us who have trusted Christ, we will see him again. Jeremiah was a soldier for the Army, he knew day to day that there was a possiblilty that he could die, but he served his country proudly doing a job he felt called to do. Although I got to meet him briefly when he came home for Christmas, I count it an honor to have known him.

This verse should be a reminder to us, that not matter what we go through day to do, we should stand boldy for Christ, even if it comes to a point of having to die for him. The man that died taking Jeremiah's life, died believing that he was dying to give glory to his god. He instantly was made aware that he served a false god, who was not worth dying for. Know that you serve a God who loves you, who wants you to spend eternity with Him. If you have never trusted Him as your Lord and Savior, my prayer for you is that Today is your day of Salvation!

February 26

Prov. 15:13
A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad the spirit is broken.

When we are happy it shows on our face. We smile, we want to smile at others and help make them feel the same way that we do. But when we are sad, we really don't care about ourselves, much less anybody else around us. We feel defeated, down and we are broken. We must realize that yes there are times when our hearts get sad, but we don't have to stay there. We must find that joy and soon. God can give us that joy back, we just must be willing to receive it. So as we put on that armour of God, find that shield of Joy and hold it high - block off the nasty thought that seek to bring you down. Embrace God and let Him help you find the Joy when it seems the dark clouds of gloom and doom are all around. Choose joy - don't' choose to be down.

February 25

Gen. 32:26
And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh . And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

Wrestling with God, this is something that I don't think we really have considered doing with God, but after hearing a sermon on this verse, the thought crossed my mind. I realized that I have never had one of those moments with God, so I decided I would take hold of God and not let go till I am changed.
I think we all have situations that arise and we don't think about it at the time, but later we reaize we did just that, we wrestled with God. He is the only one that can change us, but we do have to be willing to accept it. Think about your struggles, how are you different now? If there doesn't seem to be any differences in you and you seem to have more struggles, maybe it's time to cry out to God and recieve what He has been wanting to do in you! Embrace Him, and walk away different!

February 24

Jeremiah 17:12
A glorious throne on high from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary.

It's amazing to think back to the beginning. That there is a creator that fashioned us, created us to be just who we are. But for those who don't know Christ they don't have that understanding, that confidence that there is a creator. As believers we don't only have that peace that there is a creator but we have peace that we have a place of rest, not just here on earth but in eternity. We can see hope now, even when our days are not what we want them to be and when we pass from this earth. It is so great to know that God was with us through the beginning, our beginning, and will be with us until our end.

February 23

2 Timothy 3:15
and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

This is a scripture that is very real to me. The night that I got saved I wasn't in a church or even hearing somebody preach the word to me, I was at home in my bedroom. I know that all the things I had heard about Christ through my childhood and when I did go to church came flooding back to me at that moment and I realized that I needed Christ to save me. Even when children are young and it doesn't seem like they listen, God's word goes deep into their mind and will be revealed later. Give children God every chance you can. No matter what their age, we can plant those seeds that God can water and bring to fruit. I am proof of that!

February 22

Micah 5:5
And he will be their peace.

What comfort we have! God is with us through all things and we will always find peace in Him. He is always standing there with His arms wide open waiting to wrap them around us. When times don't feel peaceful, we do have a refuge, but it will be up to us to go there. It brings a thought in mind: No Jesus, No Peace; Know Jesus, Know Peace.

How true, I am thankful that I know that Peace of Jesus, that I don't have to live in turmoil looking for peace each day as we see others so desperately trying so many things to find that peace. Remember too that when we see others seeking, that we have that peace that we can offer them. Pray that God gives us an opportunity to give peace to others!

February 21

Prov. 24:26

An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.

Now I know a kiss feels good, so telling the truth is just the same way. When you are truthful you don't have to carry around the burden of worry as you do when you lie. When you lie you live in fear of somebody finding out what you told is not true. Even sometimes you have to make up another lie to cover for the one you told. Just strive to tell the truth always! Yes sometimes the truth hurts but it is always honest and pleasing like a kiss from God.

February 20

Matthew 9:9

And Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth, "Follow me" he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

How many times has God ask us to follow him and we just got right up and did it? It's real easy to say: "hold on", "Be right there", "let me finish this"......
I think we are missing out on so many wonderful blessings that God has for us because we are so busy doing other things before we do what God has ask us. May we be quick to do what God has ask us to do and keep Him first and not all the other small really unimportant stuff. Keep your ears open to hear the call from Him.

February 19

Matthew 24:30

At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. And all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.

Oh what a day! For the believers it will be glorious, exciting. For those who have not trusted Christ I can only imagine. I can expect that everything they ever heard about Christ will come flooding back to them and they will wonder why they couldn't believe. We must continue to pray for the lost - that their hearts will soften and they hear the word of God so that they might be saved. Not only should we pray but we must get out of our comfort zone and start sharing Jesus with those that we know don't know Him. We may be the only Jesus that anybody sees, don't miss the opportunity that God gives you to witness. Don't think you have any opportunities? Then ask God for them, believe me, He will put those people before you! He already does.

February 18

Eph. 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

Are we that sweet smelling aroma for God. We know about the words of our mouth, but how are our actions that go along with our words. We must be pleasing in all things to be complete. Are our thoughts about God and what is pleasing to Him? May we be mindful of Him more today and when people "smell" us, they can say, "wow, they smell like a Christian".

February 17

Psalms 1:3

And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.

There is hope for someone who walks with the Lord. When our storm comes we can face it head on with the Lord. He will make us like this tree. When we call out to Him He will keep us from breaking, although we may bend a little. As His child he wants to bless us, but we have to keep ourselves planted in Him! I know that in all that I have gone through that God has blessed me I had no strength in myself, my strength came from the Lord. I don't know how people can go through a storm without Him, I would surely break. Its amazing that after the storm, and the tree is battered that when the spring comes there is a big ripe peace of fruit to come off the branches, just remember to give that fruit back to God and thank Him for allowing you to grow it!

February 16

James 3:7-8
All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, bull of deadly poison.

I believe that as Christians we should work the hardest to tame our tongue. I heard a statement last week that keeps ringing in my ears "Character is what comes out of your mouth". We must remember this when we speak. Is Christ being shown when we speak? Would we choose to use our same words if Christ was standing next to us? I had someone apologize to me for the language he used after he found out I was a preacher's wife - my thought was - I am nobody - you should be concerned about what Christ says about it! Let your words be sweet smelling flowers that flow up to God and bring a smile to His face!

February 15

John 16:22

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.

This is so true. If we remembered this pain we probably wouldn't have but one child for sure. Once that baby is placed in your arms you forget all that you just went through - how awesome. It's also amazing to me to see how anyone could doubt God after watching a birth - to realize the gift of life and creation. Only God can create life. Whether we have children or are just around children, we are blessed by his little gifts of joy.

February 14

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and that door will be opened for you.

I understand that we are to take the Bible for what it says, but we also need to remember that when we are asking God for anything, we must think about our motive. Are we asking because we want or need? He will give us what we need and this we need to remember. He will answer our prayers according to His will and not ours. We can always be assured that when we seek Him we will find him. No matter what we do He will not turn his back on us. He is like and old friend, just waiting for us to visit, picking up where we left off. And isn't great to know that when we stand at the door and knock that it will be open, He won't be gone or see that we are standing there and decide not to come to the door! Just remember that God wants to spend time with us, we just have to be the ones to pull up the chair next to Him, He is always there waiting.

Matthew 7:7

February 13

John 15:1
All this I have told you so that you will not go astray.

Jesus reminded the disciples and us that we live in a wicked world. He told of the deceiver and how he would try and leas us away. We must remain focused in Christ. The world will hate us and try to tear us down, but we are to remember that it is because we have Christ in us is why they hate us. Until the lost have the peace of Christ they will fight against Him. God reminds us that there is a victorious end for us. No matter what we go through on earth it will be okay - we have hope - we have a great Comforter, Savior and Friend! Be aware that many things will try to take our focus away from Christ, but we know the Truth and can stay focused!

Continue to read through verse 4 – this is a WOW! It truly explains the times that we are living in. We see evidence because of the suicide bombers who believe they are doing this for God, it's just a false god. How people can doubt the Bible is beyond me. Even though it was written 2,000 years ago it speaks so clear of what is going on today.

February 12

Psalms 86:8

Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.

In this world around us we see many people worshiping many other gods. I am thankful that I serve a God who is coming back for me. He has prepared a better home for me, something much better than this world has to offer. I am thankful that the God I serve gives me peace. I don't have to search or it in the forms that we see others trying to find it. There is no comparison. I serve a Great God!

February 11

Psalm 34:19
A righteous man may have many troubles but the Lord delivers from them all.

What reassurance we have! We must remember to hold on to the promises that God has given to us. Staying in the Word helps to remind us that we have hope when all seems dark around us. God wants the best for His children! This too shall pass, so hang in there help is on the way - His name is Jesus!

February 10

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.
Matthew 14:32

God has a storm for each of us. I believe that He wants us to get out of the boat and come to Him, but we have a tendency to sit in the boat and complain about how bad the storm is. It's when the storm get so bad that we then look and see Jesus standing there, calling out to us. We may take the first few steps but once again we look around us and see how bad it is, sink again, and cry out to God. God will always catch us, put us in the boat and calm the winds. Where is our faith? May we remember that God will calm the storm. Help us to have that faith to remember who is in control of the storm and that he is allowing us to go through this to strengthen us and make us what he wants us to be! Step out of the boat and grab God by the hand and hold on to Him tight - don't let go.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 9

Luke 20:41

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.

I believe if it were known He weeps over all the cities, not just for those who are lost but at the saved and how we are living. We have the truth and know the truth, but don't let the lost see the truth through us. We live as though Jesus will come after we die and that there will be plenty of time to get the lost saved. Today is the day of Salvation, we need to be letting those people around us that are lost know that their is a Savior, His name is Jesus, and without Him there is no hope! We need to spread the truth and help wipe the tears from Jesus' eyes.

February 8

Psalm 55:6

And I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest."

How many times have we wanted to get away from everything? Even back then, David wanted to get away from it all. It is neat that the reference is to a dove, we have seen God come in a form of a dove. We should remember that we can find rest - God can give us that rest - that break from it all. Go to Him and give Him your cares, since we can't fly away, we can place everything on His wings and let Him carry them away.

February 7

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The Lord has a wonderful plan ready for us. It is exciting to see some of the doors that are opened every day. When we trust God in our daily lives, He makes everything go so much smoother. We need to take time each day to thank Him for what He has done for us and ask Him for guidance and protection each day. Did you know that Tuesdays are the days that Christians really need to pray even harder for their families? I will give you more details of why on Tuesday. May you enjoy all that God wants to share with you today!

February 6

II Corinthians 6:18
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

How comforting to know that we have an eternal Father that will be just that to us. He loves us as His very own children. He cares for us and wants to see the very best for us. We are His flesh and blood, therefore we get to enjoy the inheritance that He has to give, eternal security. That is more rewarding than anything that we can ever have here on earth. So remember that if you have had a father on earth that has let you down, or not been what you may have expected, that God will be that Father, always there, loving, supporting, and everything that you could ever imagine. Don't get discouraged when you may have to be disciplined, we all need it, how else will we learn from our mistakes? Don't forget to take that time to climb up in His lap and spend it with Him. A father loves nothing more than to spend time with his children. They are his treasure.

February 5

John 10:28

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

This is assurance to me of my salvation. Once we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ and trusted Him as our Lord and Savior, we are His! Yes, we are going to stumble and fail Him, but we are still His. Nothing is going to happen that will cause us to lose our salvation. This should be a reassuring verse to us, so grab hold of it, learn it, and be ready when Satan comes along and tries to convince you that you are going to lose your salvation. Just let Satan know this verse and you belong to God - and you will stay with God!

February 4

John 14:29

And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it come to pass, ye might believe.

Why is it that we always want proof so that we will then believe? So many times God has shown us that He will do what He says and we still don't believe Him. Here we are told to just Trust the Lord, but we have the hardest time just letting go and letting God. It is awesome when we see the results, then we wonder why we couldn't just trust Him. Then, tell me why we hesitate when it's time to hand things back to God when we know He will do what He says He will?

Guess that is just our lack of faith.

February 3

Psalm 18:30

As for God, His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust Him.

When we are following God, we are headed down the right path. We also have that assurance that He is protecting, guiding and guarding us. There are times in our lives that we can't even see the fiery darts that are headed our way because of this shield from God, but we need to know that they are there. Occasionally we may feel the heat, but we can rest assure that God's hand is upon us and He is with us and we are protected from them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2

Acts 3:9
And all the people saw him walking and praising God;

Now I know that this verse comes after the lame beggar was healed, but think of how this applies to us. Can others see that we are walking and praising God? Do we do this all the time or do we seem to save it for church? Are we praising Him in conversations that we are having with our friends. Are we truly telling others of what He has done for us? We may have not been the lame beggar and now can walk, but we have all been in a state of needing a Savior and He came along and healed us! It's time for us to truly walk with Him, thank Him for giving us breath today and then share Him with somebody today.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

Psalm125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people From this time forth and forever.

I have probably used this one before but it's a promise that we probably need to here more times that once. So many times we feel all alone, like nobody cares, but here we see that this is not true. No matter what is going on around us, that God is also surrounding us. He protective, watchcaring hands are around us. Now can bad things happen, yes, but He is still with us. We must realize that everything that happens to us, is allowed to happen. It just may mean that God wants to see how we are going to react in a situation and just how much we plan on relying on Him to get us through.  Just remember if God has chosen you to run a race, it's because He sees the champion inside and knows how you are going to finish - a winner!