Psalm 29:2
Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
I think that sometimes we just think about worshipping the Lord when we come to church. We need to realize that every moment of the day is an opportunity to worship Him. It doesn't have to be huge, it can be a simple "Thank you", "I love You", "You are so awesome God" when we see something that reminds us of Him. Can you not think of something? Just look around, when you go outside evidence is all around, if you have children, they are that reminder of God's miracle. He is everywhere and we need to be more mindful of it. We were created to Praise Him, to Worship Him. So when you get back in the car today, turn to the Christian music station and listen to the words, sing them back to Him - WORSHIP Him! It's not hard, but we make it hard. Just take that time to let Him know how thankful you are that He saved you, He loves you, He created you!
And today we got to witness somebody give their life to Christ in the middle of a worship service. She didn't even wait for the sermon or the invitation, in the midst of the singing she went forward! What an awesome day!!!
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