Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head.
I Corinthians 11:4
When I read this I immediately thought about people wearing caps in the church. I know growing up we were always told of it being disrespectful to wear a hat or cap in church, but the verse is not talking about being in God's house, it talks about praying or prophesying, so I had to dig a little deeper. Covering the head shows a mark of subjection, and it makes him look downwards instead of upwards to his Spiritual Head, Christ, to whom alone he owes subjection. Here is another way it is explained; so a man who prays or prophesies with a veil on his head, reflects a dishonour on Christ, whose representative he is. So now it makes sense, and when we see a man about to pray, we will know know why he takes his hat off before he prays.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 26
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Psalms 23:4
I think most of us feel as though we have walked through the shadow of death. And if we haven't, then hold on, it won't be long and you will be there too. But we have great comfort in these words! We are to fear no evil, why? Because God is with us. No matter what it is that we are going to be going through we must hold on to that thought and know that God is going to be there right there with us, even if we feel that He is not there, He really is. As the crook in the staff is wrapped around you and pulling you to Him, take comfort in that! Know that He wants to hold you near to Him so that He can take care of you. Now it is just up to you to let Him do His job!
Psalms 23:4
I think most of us feel as though we have walked through the shadow of death. And if we haven't, then hold on, it won't be long and you will be there too. But we have great comfort in these words! We are to fear no evil, why? Because God is with us. No matter what it is that we are going to be going through we must hold on to that thought and know that God is going to be there right there with us, even if we feel that He is not there, He really is. As the crook in the staff is wrapped around you and pulling you to Him, take comfort in that! Know that He wants to hold you near to Him so that He can take care of you. Now it is just up to you to let Him do His job!
Monday, May 25, 2009
May 25
"Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God;"
Job 19:26 NAS
This was Job, and he knew that no matter what was going to happen to him, and all that was going on around him seemed so awful, he knew that when he died, he was going to be with God. That is confidence! That is faith! We should have that much confidence in knowing that because we have placed out faith in Christ - we are going to be with Him. There are religions that lead you to believe that you can loose that salvation, but I am here to tell you that placing your faith in Him should give you that confidence that you are HIS - ALWAYS! Rest in that, soak it up and the spill it out to others! No matter what happens to us here on earth, we know that in the end we will have peace, joy and be standing with the LORD forever!
Job 19:26 NAS
This was Job, and he knew that no matter what was going to happen to him, and all that was going on around him seemed so awful, he knew that when he died, he was going to be with God. That is confidence! That is faith! We should have that much confidence in knowing that because we have placed out faith in Christ - we are going to be with Him. There are religions that lead you to believe that you can loose that salvation, but I am here to tell you that placing your faith in Him should give you that confidence that you are HIS - ALWAYS! Rest in that, soak it up and the spill it out to others! No matter what happens to us here on earth, we know that in the end we will have peace, joy and be standing with the LORD forever!
May 24
Even so did the Lord ordain that they that proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel.
1 Corinthians 9:14
We hear the saying all the time, if you are going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk, and here it is in the Bible. We are to be very careful of not only saying that we are Christians, but we are to live as Christians. How are we telling others that we serve Christ? What can others see that we do? Sure they can see us showing up at church, but how else to they see us serving? How are we giving back out time and talents to God? This is one of those verses that we need to look deep inside ourselves for. Are we teaching? Okay you don't have that gift, so ask God - what is my gift? He will tell you and then it is up to you to use it! It may be singing, it may be serving in the nursery, or just helping in VBS (don't you love my plug? It's June 7-12...), or it could be by being a greeter at church. Let's also take it beyond church, are you sharing Christ with others? What can the outside world see that is different about you, something so different that they realize that they want what you have? I encourage you to not only say you are a Christian but show others that you are a Christian!
1 Corinthians 9:14
We hear the saying all the time, if you are going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk, and here it is in the Bible. We are to be very careful of not only saying that we are Christians, but we are to live as Christians. How are we telling others that we serve Christ? What can others see that we do? Sure they can see us showing up at church, but how else to they see us serving? How are we giving back out time and talents to God? This is one of those verses that we need to look deep inside ourselves for. Are we teaching? Okay you don't have that gift, so ask God - what is my gift? He will tell you and then it is up to you to use it! It may be singing, it may be serving in the nursery, or just helping in VBS (don't you love my plug? It's June 7-12...), or it could be by being a greeter at church. Let's also take it beyond church, are you sharing Christ with others? What can the outside world see that is different about you, something so different that they realize that they want what you have? I encourage you to not only say you are a Christian but show others that you are a Christian!
May 23
Every word of God is tried: He is a shield unto them that take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5
First there is the word tried –tested and proved good, dependable, or trustworthy.
Wow - every word has been tested and proved good, dependable and trustworthy! What a comfort that should be for us. And then to read on, He is a shield - a person or thing that protects. Well we know God is much more than a person or a thing. There were so many definitions of shield but they all lead to one thing, it protects. And next refuge - a place of shelter, protection, or safety. This is great news for us, we are to be encouraged! When we need someplace to go from the storms that are closing in around us, we are to run to God and His Word. He is what protects us from the storm, He will stand beside us and guide us. So again I say be encouraged, it is proven that God is that best place to go and stay with in times where we don't feel like there is anyplace to go.
Proverbs 30:5
First there is the word tried –tested and proved good, dependable, or trustworthy.
Wow - every word has been tested and proved good, dependable and trustworthy! What a comfort that should be for us. And then to read on, He is a shield - a person or thing that protects. Well we know God is much more than a person or a thing. There were so many definitions of shield but they all lead to one thing, it protects. And next refuge - a place of shelter, protection, or safety. This is great news for us, we are to be encouraged! When we need someplace to go from the storms that are closing in around us, we are to run to God and His Word. He is what protects us from the storm, He will stand beside us and guide us. So again I say be encouraged, it is proven that God is that best place to go and stay with in times where we don't feel like there is anyplace to go.
May 22
Even as it is written in Isaiah the prophet, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, Who shall prepare thy way.
Mark 1:2
Now we all know that this was speaking of John coming before Christ, but there is an important question here - Who shall prepare the way? Now that John is gone it is up to us to prepare that way, to let others know about Jesus. If we are not the ones doing it, who do you think will? We have so many cults, other religions, and many false religions out there, that somebody will share the "news". We have people that are trained continuously to share what they know, and they are spreading a false word to this world. If we were as committed to sharing Christ with all those that we know, we would be building new churches all around. Why are we so hesitant to share? Is it rejection? Keep in mind that it will not be you that they reject, but Christ. He had that happen all the time, but He kept on sharing, and so should we. Don't be afraid, who knows. God may be waiting to use you to bring that person to Him. Wouldn't it be awful to stand before the Lord one day and He tell you just how many people He was planning to use you (and me) for to bring them to the Lord. Be bold - we need to be more like John and prepare the way!
Mark 1:2
Now we all know that this was speaking of John coming before Christ, but there is an important question here - Who shall prepare the way? Now that John is gone it is up to us to prepare that way, to let others know about Jesus. If we are not the ones doing it, who do you think will? We have so many cults, other religions, and many false religions out there, that somebody will share the "news". We have people that are trained continuously to share what they know, and they are spreading a false word to this world. If we were as committed to sharing Christ with all those that we know, we would be building new churches all around. Why are we so hesitant to share? Is it rejection? Keep in mind that it will not be you that they reject, but Christ. He had that happen all the time, but He kept on sharing, and so should we. Don't be afraid, who knows. God may be waiting to use you to bring that person to Him. Wouldn't it be awful to stand before the Lord one day and He tell you just how many people He was planning to use you (and me) for to bring them to the Lord. Be bold - we need to be more like John and prepare the way!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
May 21
Even those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar. For My house will be called a house of prayer for all people.
Isaiah 56:7
Have you ever thought why He will make us joyful in His house of prayer? I think we are happiest when we have no burdens. God wants us to take those burdens and lay them at His feet. What better way to lay them down than at the altar. I believe His house is a place of healing and restoration. God wants us to come to His house, spend time with Him during praise and Worship, listen to His Word and lay down any burdens that we have so that we can live a fulfilled life. If you want to chose to be joyful, then give those burdens to God for Him to carry and let Him lift that boulder off your shoulder so that you can be joyful!
Isaiah 56:7
Have you ever thought why He will make us joyful in His house of prayer? I think we are happiest when we have no burdens. God wants us to take those burdens and lay them at His feet. What better way to lay them down than at the altar. I believe His house is a place of healing and restoration. God wants us to come to His house, spend time with Him during praise and Worship, listen to His Word and lay down any burdens that we have so that we can live a fulfilled life. If you want to chose to be joyful, then give those burdens to God for Him to carry and let Him lift that boulder off your shoulder so that you can be joyful!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 20
even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief ;
1 Timothy 1:13
This is our testimony, well for most of us anyway. We were not always pleasing to God, we sure didn't try to walk in the right ways, to seek to please Him or to basically just do good. Believe me if you are not living for Christ then you are living to destroy His name, that was our very nature. We didn't think the devil was after us, because he had us! I am so thankful for the mercy that God showed to me! He opened my eyes to my wicked ways, and thought I may still sometimes act ignorant that is my own chosing! I must be careful and you must too, make wise choices, choose to act becoming of who you are now! A child of the King, now act like it! Thank God for showing you just how ignorant you were and thank him even more for showing you mercy and grace by saving you!
1 Timothy 1:13
This is our testimony, well for most of us anyway. We were not always pleasing to God, we sure didn't try to walk in the right ways, to seek to please Him or to basically just do good. Believe me if you are not living for Christ then you are living to destroy His name, that was our very nature. We didn't think the devil was after us, because he had us! I am so thankful for the mercy that God showed to me! He opened my eyes to my wicked ways, and thought I may still sometimes act ignorant that is my own chosing! I must be careful and you must too, make wise choices, choose to act becoming of who you are now! A child of the King, now act like it! Thank God for showing you just how ignorant you were and thank him even more for showing you mercy and grace by saving you!
May 19
Every man is stupid, devoid of knowledge ; Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols ; For his molten images are deceitful, And there is no breath in them.
Jeremiah 10:14 NAS
My first thoughts are: "yes every man is stupid", but then I remember the word every is included, and every includes me! We are all stupid, lacking in knowledge, that is for sure. So what do we do? We seek to know more, study His word, get prepared so that we are not called stupid! We are the goldsmith, we all have idols in our lives, it could be television, hobbies, kids, basically anything. We have to remember that these are not the most important things in life for us. Our relationship with Christ is suppose to be the most important thing in our life. We are to make sure that no matter what, we are spending time with Him, growing daily, so that we can be used by Him. Don't be the one to be called stupid!
Jeremiah 10:14 NAS
My first thoughts are: "yes every man is stupid", but then I remember the word every is included, and every includes me! We are all stupid, lacking in knowledge, that is for sure. So what do we do? We seek to know more, study His word, get prepared so that we are not called stupid! We are the goldsmith, we all have idols in our lives, it could be television, hobbies, kids, basically anything. We have to remember that these are not the most important things in life for us. Our relationship with Christ is suppose to be the most important thing in our life. We are to make sure that no matter what, we are spending time with Him, growing daily, so that we can be used by Him. Don't be the one to be called stupid!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 18
Galatians 3:6
This was one to make me think. Believed: to have confidence or faith in the truth of. Reckoned: to esteem or consider; regard as. Righteousness: Morally upright; without guilt or sin:
So now we can read it as: Even so Abraham had confidnece in God, and it was considered to him to be without guilt of sin.
How much plainer can you get? This reminds me of exactly what faith is. We have to have that much confidence in God and know that He is absolutely without guilt of sin. It's one of those things that is so hard to explain, but it is one of those things that we just know, we believe it. That is what being a Christian is all about!
Galatians 3:6
This was one to make me think. Believed: to have confidence or faith in the truth of. Reckoned: to esteem or consider; regard as. Righteousness: Morally upright; without guilt or sin:
So now we can read it as: Even so Abraham had confidnece in God, and it was considered to him to be without guilt of sin.
How much plainer can you get? This reminds me of exactly what faith is. We have to have that much confidence in God and know that He is absolutely without guilt of sin. It's one of those things that is so hard to explain, but it is one of those things that we just know, we believe it. That is what being a Christian is all about!
Monday, May 18, 2009
May 17
"Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you."
Philemon 1:23
It's amazing to see how the men of Bible times were described: brother, slave, worker, prisioner... Have you ever thought about how somebody describes you for Christ? When they describe you do they even use the term Christian? Something to think about! What do we want to be said of us? If people don't see that we have a passion for Christ then they won't use that in a description about us. Make sure that people know where you stand and just Who it is that you stand for!
Philemon 1:23
It's amazing to see how the men of Bible times were described: brother, slave, worker, prisioner... Have you ever thought about how somebody describes you for Christ? When they describe you do they even use the term Christian? Something to think about! What do we want to be said of us? If people don't see that we have a passion for Christ then they won't use that in a description about us. Make sure that people know where you stand and just Who it is that you stand for!
May 16
"Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent."
Prov. 18:28
Have there been times that you didn't keep silent? Guess what we were considered?Yes I said we, we have all been there! Our goal should be to keep silent when we know that we are suppose to. I heard my mother say many times, think before you speak! There are times that we should speak out but I also know that there will be a voice inside that lets us know if we should or should not say something, so listen to it. If in doubt - keep your mouth shut. Don't be compared to a fool!
Prov. 18:28
Have there been times that you didn't keep silent? Guess what we were considered?Yes I said we, we have all been there! Our goal should be to keep silent when we know that we are suppose to. I heard my mother say many times, think before you speak! There are times that we should speak out but I also know that there will be a voice inside that lets us know if we should or should not say something, so listen to it. If in doubt - keep your mouth shut. Don't be compared to a fool!
Friday, May 15, 2009
May 15
"Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike {to You.}"
Ps 139:12
This just brings the thought that nothing is hidden to God into mind. Secrets seem to be the darkness, and the good things we do are the light, but God knows everything, so nothing that we do is hidden to Him. There are things that we have done or may do that we think can be pushed into a closet and hidden, but nothing is hidden from God. It may be time to face those skeletons and just give them to God. Not hide from Him anymore. Release it all, your cares, your concerns, your past, anything that you have been scared to give to God, do it now. Set yourself free. God wants us to walk in the Sonshine, not in the dark where all seems scary. This verse should remind us that when all seems dark that there is hope! God is there to be our source of light. So let Him in, let Him guide you through any darkness
Ps 139:12
This just brings the thought that nothing is hidden to God into mind. Secrets seem to be the darkness, and the good things we do are the light, but God knows everything, so nothing that we do is hidden to Him. There are things that we have done or may do that we think can be pushed into a closet and hidden, but nothing is hidden from God. It may be time to face those skeletons and just give them to God. Not hide from Him anymore. Release it all, your cares, your concerns, your past, anything that you have been scared to give to God, do it now. Set yourself free. God wants us to walk in the Sonshine, not in the dark where all seems scary. This verse should remind us that when all seems dark that there is hope! God is there to be our source of light. So let Him in, let Him guide you through any darkness
May 14
"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him."
Prov. 30:5
How comforting to know that no matter what we read we know that God is speaking the truth to us. He would never lie. We have comfort because He is the comforter. For those who don't put their faith in Him, they may feel as though there is no shelter from the storm. But not us, we are protected from the storm, we may have to go through one but we know that it will be okay, no matter how bad it gets. We may seem to forget that God is our shield unless we are allowed to go through the storm. When the sun is shining and the clouds are fluffy we seem take our eyes off of God. Storms may be a gentle reminder of Who is in control. Take time as you enjoy the sun to remember that God is still the One who guides you! And while you are enjoying the sun, take out the Bible and read it, God wants to tell you something!
Prov. 30:5
How comforting to know that no matter what we read we know that God is speaking the truth to us. He would never lie. We have comfort because He is the comforter. For those who don't put their faith in Him, they may feel as though there is no shelter from the storm. But not us, we are protected from the storm, we may have to go through one but we know that it will be okay, no matter how bad it gets. We may seem to forget that God is our shield unless we are allowed to go through the storm. When the sun is shining and the clouds are fluffy we seem take our eyes off of God. Storms may be a gentle reminder of Who is in control. Take time as you enjoy the sun to remember that God is still the One who guides you! And while you are enjoying the sun, take out the Bible and read it, God wants to tell you something!
may 13
"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."
Jas 1:17
How comforting, to know that God is the one who blesses us, no matter how that good thing or gift gets to us. He uses others to bless us and we should also be willing to be a blessing to somebody else too. Listen to God when he puts somebody on your heart, there is a reason for it. Do something good for the them so they can see just how awesome God is. May God chose to shine His light through you today!
Jas 1:17
How comforting, to know that God is the one who blesses us, no matter how that good thing or gift gets to us. He uses others to bless us and we should also be willing to be a blessing to somebody else too. Listen to God when he puts somebody on your heart, there is a reason for it. Do something good for the them so they can see just how awesome God is. May God chose to shine His light through you today!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12
"Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun ; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 9:9
Well I know that this verse has been given to the man, but as women we should think about this one. Have you ever thought about yourself as your husbands reward? God had a purpose for you when you got married. You have been given to your husband. Now how does that make you feel? I hope it makes you feel valuable. God wanted to bless your husband, so He gave your husband you! I guess now as women we need to take this verse to heart, think about that first word - enjoy. Do we make our husbands life enjoyable? Really think about it. What can we do to make our husbands enjoy that life that he has with us? Today make your husband know just how special he is to you! First start by praying for Him, that God will wrap His arms around our husbands, protect their minds from anything that would hinder his witness for Christ, that He will guide them and protect them and bring them safely home to us. Next go beyond, yes we like flowers but what about our husbands? Give him a flower, let him know that you were thinking of him today and praying for him. Today is our day to let our husbands know how special they are to us. If God thought of us as a reward for our husband, our husband must be worthy of getting a special prize. Remind that husband of just how special you are to him, we must value him just as God values us. Enjoy your day!
Ecclesiastes 9:9
Well I know that this verse has been given to the man, but as women we should think about this one. Have you ever thought about yourself as your husbands reward? God had a purpose for you when you got married. You have been given to your husband. Now how does that make you feel? I hope it makes you feel valuable. God wanted to bless your husband, so He gave your husband you! I guess now as women we need to take this verse to heart, think about that first word - enjoy. Do we make our husbands life enjoyable? Really think about it. What can we do to make our husbands enjoy that life that he has with us? Today make your husband know just how special he is to you! First start by praying for Him, that God will wrap His arms around our husbands, protect their minds from anything that would hinder his witness for Christ, that He will guide them and protect them and bring them safely home to us. Next go beyond, yes we like flowers but what about our husbands? Give him a flower, let him know that you were thinking of him today and praying for him. Today is our day to let our husbands know how special they are to us. If God thought of us as a reward for our husband, our husband must be worthy of getting a special prize. Remind that husband of just how special you are to him, we must value him just as God values us. Enjoy your day!
May 11

"even as the testimony concerning Christ was confirmed in you,"
I Cor. 1:6
Oh how exciting! Isn't that what we would all like to hear about us, and even those that we know around us. There are several meanings of the word testimony, but this is the one that I like best - "evidence in support of a fact or statement; proof". And then we have confirmed - "made certain as to truth, accuracy, validity, availability, etc". Now think about it all together, Even as the evidence in support of Christ was made certain as to truth in you... I know that when we become Christians, that this becomes real to us, but can others see this about us? When others describe you to somebody, do they say - "oh yes, she is a Christian, in all that she does, she does for the Lord? Or do they say, "I think she is a Christian, she goes to church but I am not completely sure." Oh to have those last words said, it breaks my heart. I know that I have shared about being good fruit lately but this just goes along with it, we must be more aware that eyes are on us, the eyes of the lost just as the eyes of the Christian are on us, they watch us to see what we are doing. Now it may not always be right in their motives for watching us, but we have to be very careful what we are "saying" to those who are watching. It can only take one instance to destroy your witness. You can try and make it up, but by then the eyes are gone and they no longer care, they move to the next one to see if they are true or false and they cycle continues. Some watch just to make themselves feel better, some watch because they may think you inspire them and they want to be more like you! So keep this in mind, realize that eyes are on you, now take that same time to ask the Lord - what do you see in me? He sees a champion, His most precious jewel, now we must do our part and reflect what He sees in us. He is worthy to have His name reflected so that others may see!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May 10
"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad ; for the tree is known by its fruit.:
Matthew 12:33
This is one of those verses to make you think, and it should make you wonder about your own fruit. Sure it is easy to be a fruit inspector for somebody else's tree, but what can others see about us? Are we all shiny on the outside, giving off that appearance of something just perfect and then when that person grabs hold us and they quickly see that we are bitter, even worse, rotten? Think about how you have been reacting to situations all around you lately, are people running from you or to you? It's amazing how I started with one thought and ended on another but it has to be for somebody, and yes there are days that this is right at me. My goal is to not be that bitter fruit and yes there are days that I have to work at it, so I challenge you to look at the fruit that you are producing. What are others seeing in you? Be pleasant, be good and may others see just what kind of tree you are, a Godly tree!
Matthew 12:33
This is one of those verses to make you think, and it should make you wonder about your own fruit. Sure it is easy to be a fruit inspector for somebody else's tree, but what can others see about us? Are we all shiny on the outside, giving off that appearance of something just perfect and then when that person grabs hold us and they quickly see that we are bitter, even worse, rotten? Think about how you have been reacting to situations all around you lately, are people running from you or to you? It's amazing how I started with one thought and ended on another but it has to be for somebody, and yes there are days that this is right at me. My goal is to not be that bitter fruit and yes there are days that I have to work at it, so I challenge you to look at the fruit that you are producing. What are others seeing in you? Be pleasant, be good and may others see just what kind of tree you are, a Godly tree!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
May 9
Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning.
Job 23:2
Shouldn't we be this honest? We have these days, even though we know God is in control. We think of it as "just human nature" and it is just that, human, not God's nature. May we take our eyes off of our circumstances and focus on what is to come. Though it doesn't seem as days will ever get any better, they will. Hang in there and keep your eyes focused on God. He knows what you are going through, He is allowing it. You will be able to thank Him later.
Job 23:2
Shouldn't we be this honest? We have these days, even though we know God is in control. We think of it as "just human nature" and it is just that, human, not God's nature. May we take our eyes off of our circumstances and focus on what is to come. Though it doesn't seem as days will ever get any better, they will. Hang in there and keep your eyes focused on God. He knows what you are going through, He is allowing it. You will be able to thank Him later.
Friday, May 8, 2009
May 8
"Even now, take your stand and see this great thing which the LORD will do before your eyes."
1 Sam 12:16
God has called us to be different. We are to stand for Him and not be conformed to the world. We are to listen to God’s voice! He has a purpose and a plan for us but we cannot be silent and be used by Him. We are in the midst of something great right now and we will see great things done by God. The task is large but it is not too big for God. He calls us to be bold for Him and to stand firm in what He believes in. Stand behind our leaders! He has called them for His kingdom. If so many are trusting that God is right, then whom are the ones who are against His leadership listening to? Once again listen to the voice and ask God to guide your words. Don't be the downfall of something big.
1 Sam 12:16
God has called us to be different. We are to stand for Him and not be conformed to the world. We are to listen to God’s voice! He has a purpose and a plan for us but we cannot be silent and be used by Him. We are in the midst of something great right now and we will see great things done by God. The task is large but it is not too big for God. He calls us to be bold for Him and to stand firm in what He believes in. Stand behind our leaders! He has called them for His kingdom. If so many are trusting that God is right, then whom are the ones who are against His leadership listening to? Once again listen to the voice and ask God to guide your words. Don't be the downfall of something big.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
May 7

envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Gal 5:21
We are dealing with flesh issues. It is best to go back to verse 19 where it all starts:
19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,
As a Christian we know that we are going to inherit the kingdom of God but we need to be careful that we don't let the flesh take hold of us so that we become a stumbling block. This is a list that we need to put beside a mirror and make sure that we are not reflecting any of these things. If anyone sees us using these characters of the flesh they may not recognize that we are a Christian. It could be even worse, they may know that we are a Christian and see that we act like everybody else, and see no need for Christ in their life. The rest of the chapter has great words of wisdom for us to live by. May we think before we speak and pray before we act so that we may have a reflection of Christ in our lives for others to see.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May 6
Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Col. 9:7
For anyone that has been in a service with Chris Gulledge, they have heard the term "cheerful giver" before. He makes it very clear that when we give we need to give with a happy heart. If we have a bad attitude about what we are giving then we should not give. God doesn't need our money! God won't bless us either when we just give with the attitude of "just pleasing Him". We are called to give, and it is an honor to give back to God, look at how He has blessed us, and remember He will continue to bless us when we give with a thankful heart. Thank God that He has allowed you to give back to Him. We have truly been blessed and it is all because of God and not because of us.
2 Col. 9:7
For anyone that has been in a service with Chris Gulledge, they have heard the term "cheerful giver" before. He makes it very clear that when we give we need to give with a happy heart. If we have a bad attitude about what we are giving then we should not give. God doesn't need our money! God won't bless us either when we just give with the attitude of "just pleasing Him". We are called to give, and it is an honor to give back to God, look at how He has blessed us, and remember He will continue to bless us when we give with a thankful heart. Thank God that He has allowed you to give back to Him. We have truly been blessed and it is all because of God and not because of us.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May 5
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:3
We should make an honest effort in being peacemakers. There are a lot of people doing damage in the name of Christians and we have to be careful and not be one of them. It’s scary to see how people act, all we have to do is follow what the Bible says.Yes I know that sometimes it is not an easy thing to do because we have this thing inside of use called flesh and it likes to rear it’s ugly head and act just like the devil. So hang in there, do your best and do all that you can to be a peacemaker today. Let Christ show through in all that you do!
Ephesians 4:3
We should make an honest effort in being peacemakers. There are a lot of people doing damage in the name of Christians and we have to be careful and not be one of them. It’s scary to see how people act, all we have to do is follow what the Bible says.Yes I know that sometimes it is not an easy thing to do because we have this thing inside of use called flesh and it likes to rear it’s ugly head and act just like the devil. So hang in there, do your best and do all that you can to be a peacemaker today. Let Christ show through in all that you do!
Monday, May 4, 2009
May 4
Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me. Ps 139:10
Even when we don't know what "there" is, we should know that God is with us. He never leaves us alone, even when we feel we are alone. Draw strength knowing that God is always with us through the good and the bad. The "there" in your life can be good right now or bad, just know that God will guide you through this, just let Him be your way. Trust Him for the path, His way is always right! Feel His arms around you today! Know that you are never alone!
Even when we don't know what "there" is, we should know that God is with us. He never leaves us alone, even when we feel we are alone. Draw strength knowing that God is always with us through the good and the bad. The "there" in your life can be good right now or bad, just know that God will guide you through this, just let Him be your way. Trust Him for the path, His way is always right! Feel His arms around you today! Know that you are never alone!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
May 3
Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever.
Psalm 145:2
This is not God speaking to us but us speaking to God. How do we bless him? Well I think in the ways that we conduct ourselves. When we are pleasing in all things, this is a blessing to God. We should praise His name always, when we see something beautiful that He has created, let Him know, thank Him for letting you enjoy something that he has made for you to enjoy. This is the time of year to look around and see that beauty is everywhere. He has taken out his paintbrush and created some of the most beautiful colors! Enjoy seeing God in all that you do today. Take time to Praise Him, sing Him a song! Bless Him!
Psalm 145:2
This is not God speaking to us but us speaking to God. How do we bless him? Well I think in the ways that we conduct ourselves. When we are pleasing in all things, this is a blessing to God. We should praise His name always, when we see something beautiful that He has created, let Him know, thank Him for letting you enjoy something that he has made for you to enjoy. This is the time of year to look around and see that beauty is everywhere. He has taken out his paintbrush and created some of the most beautiful colors! Enjoy seeing God in all that you do today. Take time to Praise Him, sing Him a song! Bless Him!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
May 2

"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."
Matthew 7:19
And it is so easy to be the fruit inspector of others fruit, but we must remember to examine our own fruit. I am sure that we all have some rotten fruit now and then but we must make sure that our tree doesn't produce only rotten fruit, if so we might as well be chopped down and thrown into the fire, why because we would be useless. Don't be useless for God. Make sure that everything you put into your body is going to produce that good fruit. Feed on the scriptures, soak in the words of God through music, what goes in will come out, so make sure that as your fruit starts to bud, you are protecting it, then as it grows it will become a pleasant offering to God.
May 1
Every man's way is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.
Pr. 21:2
Have you ever really thought about it. We always seem to think that we are right! That is just natural, but praise God there is a thing called conviction the keeps us on track! God will let us know when we are wrong and will keep us in check. It is just sad that sometimes our hearts have to feel like a ton of bricks before we realize we are wrong. Pray that you have enough wisdom to know beforehand when you are making a decision to do the right thing that He won't have to convict you that you are wrong. It's very easy to ask yourself first, if God would be pleased, and guess what - He will let you know!
Pr. 21:2
Have you ever really thought about it. We always seem to think that we are right! That is just natural, but praise God there is a thing called conviction the keeps us on track! God will let us know when we are wrong and will keep us in check. It is just sad that sometimes our hearts have to feel like a ton of bricks before we realize we are wrong. Pray that you have enough wisdom to know beforehand when you are making a decision to do the right thing that He won't have to convict you that you are wrong. It's very easy to ask yourself first, if God would be pleased, and guess what - He will let you know!
April 30

"Do not let your heart be troubled; belive in God, believe also in Me."
John 14:1
Here again is where our faith comes in. We must learn to trust God for all things, worry is a sin. Believe that God will take care of all things for you. I must admit it is not always easy to give it to God, but it is a must. One way to make it a little easier is with a visual. You need a helium balloon in your hand, write what that problem is on that balloon and then release it. The good thing about that helium balloon is that it just keeps floating on up right into the hands of God. If you keep holding on to that string it won't leave, but you must be willing to let it go and give it to God. Once it is gone, you can't get it back, so leave it with God and let Him handle it!
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