Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 28

A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.
Mark 4:37

How may times do we feel like we are in this storm? More often that we care to imagine. We have that tendency to be like the disciples. We worry that the worst is to come, that our boat is sinking and we are not going to make it. We forget that Jesus is right there in the midst of it all, we have the fear of being overcome. When all in an instance we call out to Him and He calms the storm. We must always remember that God is with us during the storm, He never leaves us. When we feel as though He is not here with us we need to think about it, are we the ones who turned from Him and walked away.

Don't ever think that as a Christian that the storms aren't going to come, they are! We are either in a storm, coming out of a storm or going into a storm. But I do want you to remember that God is right there with you. He is the one that calms that storm. Maybe we have storms in our lives to see just how much we are going to trust Him to take care of us - ever thought about it that way? Don't let the Lord say to you as He did the disciples - "Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?" Stand firm with the Lord during the storm and believe that He is going to get you through it. He will do just what He says He will. You are one of His greatest treasures, He loves you, remember you were worth dying for.

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