Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23

Gemstone Pictures, Images and Photos
Hebrews 6:12
so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

How are we going to not be sluggish? Stay in His word, spend time with Him, keep our focus on Him! This will make it much easier for us to be imitators of those who have that faith and we learn that patience from Him. When our eyes are focused on God, we don't have time to worry or fret that life is not going our way, we won't get caught up in how bad things are and then get depressed and give up on everything, becoming sluggish. When we spend that time in His word, we are reminded that there are times that we have to wait patiently on the Lord, that His timing is perfect for us. God has many promises that He wanted to reveal to us, but how will we know what they are if we are not spending time with Him? Pick up His Word and find what His promises are, God wants to bless you in a special way today - seek and you will find!

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