Friday, June 18, 2010

June 14

Peter began to say to Him, "Behold, we have left everything and followed You."
Mark 10:28

Can we truly say this to Jesus? What have we left? Think back to the time when you gave your life to Christ, what changed - anything? I do remember leaving my old friends behind, moreso the lifestyle that I led. Why? Because I knew that I could no longer live that way and follow Christ. I remebered the scriptures saying, "you are a new creation, old things are passed away." I knew that if others were going to see Christ in me, they could no longer see the old me. I understand this does not apply to all people, some didn't live a life that was morally wrong, but for me, I can relate to this verse.
Even in the ministry we learned to leave our securities of a house and family behind and trusted God completely as we chose to follow Him. What we all must remember is: It's a calling to follow Him, we may not have to leave everything behind to follow Him, but we must be ready to give it all up, in case He ask us to go somewhere for Him.

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