Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 16

Proverbs 30:33
For the churning of milk produces butter,
And pressing the nose brings forth blood;
So the churning of anger produces strife.
My thoughts are sometimes when things are "pressed" we see good results, such as the butter from milk, and sometimes it's not so good, as the nosebleed. We have to be careful in all things, so that when we are pressed, we don't see the strife. Yes I know (personally) that anger will creep into your life, but you have to learn to get beyond that or you will have turmoil in your life, you will spill out things into others lives that are not good. Sometimes you are going to have to learn to forgive even when that person has hurt you doesn't ask for it.  So the best way to handle "being pressed" is trust in God! Sometimes He can press us to - He wants to see what will come out of us. So think about it, and be careful of what you are letting come out. First think about how you are coming across to God - are you making Him smile or frown? Next think about how you are coming across as a Christian, would anybody else want to be like you?  Great things can come from your life, it's what you choose to "spill" out.

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