Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19

Psalms 38:21 NAS
Do not forsake me, O LORD; O my God, do not be far from me!

How many times have we ask this question to God? I think if we are honest, many. What we seem to forget is that He never leaves us. We may think that He is far away from us, but He is standing right beside us, actually holding us through whatever circumstance we are going through. We must realize that somewhere we have taken our eyes off of Him and forgotten to trust Him as we should. So next time you are in the midst of a situation and you think God has left you alone, remember He has not. If anybody has walked away it is us. So turn back around and see that God is standing just where He always is, with His arms opened wide, waiting for you (and me) to come back to Him. Arms opened wide waiting to embrace us and say "welcome back".

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