above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
Eph. 6:16
Above: more than
Faith: Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
Quench: put out
more than anything else take up the shied of
believing that God our creator, protector, maker will be able to
put out anything that the devil throws our way. We must believe and know that with God all things are possible. Faith is trusting that God is greater than all things, mightier than all things, and that He is the God of everything. Also know that the devil will try to attack us, that is his nature, he wants to bring us down, steal our joy, and defeat us. We do not have to live a defeated life because we know we serve a God that is greater than the devil. Do not give way to the devil when he comes after you to take you down. Tell him to get behind you, let him know that he cannot have your joy, call upon the name of the Almighty to fight this battle for you. Believe above all that God can handle this, and trust Him for His very promises that He has given you.
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